Leslie Whitecrow 
June Jive 2020 SPRINKLES

The June Jive is closed BUT...
that doesn't mean you can't get a sprinkle of the Jive!

The June Jive Is Dedicated To The Exploration of...


Ultimately, We Are Asking...
How Do YouShow Up In The World As Who You Truly Are?

Join Me As We Dig Deep And Explore...

Are You Ready?

Sign Up Below.

Leslie Whitecrow 
June Jive 2020 SPRINKLES

The June Jive is closed BUT...
that doesn't mean you can't get a sprinkle of the Jive!

The June Jive Is Dedicated To The Exploration of...


Ultimately, We Are Asking...
How Do YouShow Up In The World As Who You Truly Are?

Join Me As We Dig Deep And Explore...

Are You Ready?

Sign Up Below.

So How Do You Show Up In The World 
As Who You Truly Are?

Most of us have a sense of what our strengths and weaknesses are, and if we really show up in the world as who we truly are, or if we're playing a part. 

Think of your asana practice...What is your internal dialog when you can't land a pose? 

Have you ever noticed that you "perform" while in asana or out in the world? On social media?

Does it feel like you are riding an emotional merry-go-round of self doubt and self importance?

Do you have an endless narrative of judgment towards yourself and others? 
Are ready to step off the spin cycle? 

If yes....

I invite you to dig deep with me and explore how to cultivate strength and courage so that you can be authentically imperfect.
To me, strength encompasses many facets

There is physical strength I need to run the Spartan races and do advanced poses.

And there is the strength of honoring rest

There is strength to communicate how I feel, and strength to stay quiet, listen, and be teachable

For me, the greatest strength that I have cultivated is the power to be my authentic self, no matter where I am, whom I'm with, or whom I'm teaching. 

This has taken decades of work to peel the layers back and unpack the the stories. 

I offer these themed classes as a guide to welcome strength and authenticity.

There is no magic bullet

You must dig deep to show up in the world as who you truly are.

June Jive Sprinkles

with Leslie Whitecrow

Strength & Authenticity
Sprinkle Options
  • Physical: 4-Pack Asana Classes (75 min each)
  • ​Spiritual: Virtual Live Dharma Talk 1 On June 18, 2020
  • ​Spiritual: Virtual Live Dharma Talk 2 On June 25, 2020

Physical Quadrant

4-Pack Asana Classes

Focusing on Strength and Authenticity through the vehicle of asana is a great playing field. We all know what it feels like when we physically don't have the strength to hold a plank pose, or we struggle to hold Utkatatsana (chair pose) for longer than 3 breaths. We know the poses we avoid because we believe they are too hard. Is this a belief, or is it a fact? This is different than knowing when we need to modify a posture. How often do we modify when it's the appropriate choice, vs. push through? Which is "right"? We'll explore all of this in our four classes together.

All asanas are pre-recorded so you can participate in them whenever you would like, as many times as you would like. The recordings will be available for the duration of the June Jive, ending June 30, 2020. 

Important Note: These videos are my first adventure into providing asana sessions in this way. I do not yet have all of the fancy equipment that makes videos T.V. production quality level. Some of these videos are blurry and little dark. The instruction and sequences are still of the highest quality that you would expect from one of my classes. I debating offering these for investment due to the lighting issues BUT I decided to live in strength and authenticity and release these to the world. 

Total Investment: $95

Spiritual Quadrant

2 Dharma Talks

In our Dharma Talks this cycle we will explore how we can best allow our authentic selves to shine forth, especially when we feel the alluring samskaric (habitual) patterns enticing us to stay hidden.

Dharma Talks will be held on Thursday June 18 & June 25 from 11am-12:30pm PST. 

Dharma Talks are live 2-way video experiences. You will be asked to turn on your camera to fully participate in the experience. 

June Jive 2020

with Leslie Whitecrow

Strength & Authenticity

Selection & Investment

Step 1: Select Your June Jive Sprinkles

Select Your Jive Investment

Step 2: Fill Out Your Information

Step 3: Provide Your Payment Information

Step 4: Confirm Your Order

Item amount
Dynamically Updated $XX.00

Important Information About Your Purchase

Cancellation Policy
After you reserve and purchase your spot, if things change, and you are no longer are able to attend the event, I respect your need to do so. I do not offer refunds for canceled reservations. I gladly offer a credit on your account for the next cycle of offerings.

Technology Issues
If my technology fails during a session, the session will be rescheduled. I do not offer refunds for technology issues, however, I will provide full access to the rescheduled event and access to the recording of the session.  

Giving Back
For the June 2020 cycle, 15% of all proceeds will be donated to a charity near and dear to me. I chose the Tahoma Indian Center

An Important Note Before You Invest
It is my aim is to work with those special folks like you who want to dig deep. I am here guiding you and holding space for your highest potential, but I cannot do your work for you. Everyone who chooses to work with me is making an agreement to stay accountable to their individual work.
  • If you are unable to pay the full investment contact me directly.
If you have questions, please contact me at lesliewhitecrow@gmail.com.
All rights reserved 2020 Leslie Whitecrow with Glowing Lotus Enterprises.
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